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Heartburn Remedies From Fitness Gurus

Thursday, December 23, 2010

There is a wealth of knowledge out there about how to effectively remedy heartburn without side effect, unfortunately only some of this information is true.  You will not need professional doctor’s advice in most cases for heartburn treatment but if the pain is immense you may be experiencing a more serious problem than heartburn and should get this checked out by a professional.

Heartburn is a buildup of digestive acids that may violently bounce around your stomache from either a large meal or exercise after eating.  This digestive acid while it will not hurt the stomache can do substancial damage to your esophagus lining and if untreated deal permanent damage to your esophagus as well as the pain and burn it gives.

In most cases you will want to look into antacids for instant treatment, but if you notice heartburn even after small meals and a healthy style it may be genetic.  In this case you will want to look into over the counter medications that will block your stomach acid from forming, in particular Zantac and Tagamet are good choices.

Always first attempt natural heartburn remedies.  A few ounces of vinegar swallowed may offset the digestive acid build up and temporarily cure your heartburn.  Smaller meals and a healthy exercise filled lifestyle are recommended to pursue as well.  Do you have heartburn disruptions in bed?  Try sleeping on your left side, studies show you can lessen heartburn effects because of your inner body linings sleeping on your left side works.

Armed with this knowledge you now know steps to cure and prevent heartburn with natural remedies a fitness guru recommends.

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Are You A Victim To Canine Acid Reflux?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What is canine acid reflux?  Did you know dogs are prone to acid reflux just like humans are?  Canine acid reflux is the dog version of acid reflux and heartburn.  Certain dogs are much more prone to Canine acid reflux fortunately some of the symptoms to canine acid reflux are preventative.

Let’s look at some of the preventable symptoms of canine acid reflux.  Bad diet habits for your dog and lack of exercise can be contributing factors to cause heartburn, be careful not to exercise your dog hard right after a meal as this can aggravate the acids in your dog’s stomache.

So how do you know if your dog has canine acid reflux?  There are a few tell tale signs that your dog has canine acid reflux: do you find your dog having a low appetite?  Does your dog exercise less frequently than usual?  The third obvious sign is gagging or coughing up bits of vomit.  If your loving friend has any of these signs than consider taking action towards canine acid reflux prevention.

So what can you do for your canine’s acid reflux?  You will likely want to contact a professional about the acid reflux.  There are a couple methods you can do from home.  Antacids are a great start, these calm the body’s acids and make it much less likely to get esophagus disruptions.  There are market heartburn relief medications for your dog out there you may be interested in but note these are only temporary solutions and long term use of these heartburn relief meds is not advised due to side effects.  You don’t want to put your dog through the trouble of side effects, contact a professional and see what their thoughts are for your dog’s canine acid reflux.

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Heartburn Foods: The DON’T List

Posted by cobs 21 Jun, 2010 There are at least 60 million Americans who suffer from acid reflux. And majority of them get heartburn at least once a month.

Aside from the usual symptoms, most of those with acid reflux have to suffer from nighttime symptoms, waking up in the night grabbing their chest in pain. A pain so intense most people mistake it for heart attack.

Some people with heartburn consider the pain they experience once a month to be an inconvenience they will have to live with. But for some, heartburn has proven to be more than just a nuisance that they can easily brush off. Acid reflux symptoms may get in the way of almost everything you do, even preventing you from functioning well during daytime and having a well deserved rest at night.

Eating with Heartburn

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Heartburn Menu DO: Better and Healthier Options for Heartburn Sufferers

Posted by cobs 25 Jun, 2010 It wouldn’t and doesn’t seem fair to list down all foods that one can’t eat and not tell them what they can indulge in.

Heartburn sufferers know that living with their condition could not get any harder. Though there are a lot of foods that can trigger heartburn, it is still good to know that there are those that don’t. And don’t think that they are boring or, worse, bland. Heartburn shouldn’t deprive you of foods that taste good and make life better.

Better Alternatives

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Exercise Tips for Heartburn Sufferers

Exercise makes us feel good. Unfortunately, heartburn sufferers sometimes don’t feel that good after a round of heart-pumping aerobics.

People choose to exercise to feel that feel-good burn; heartburn sufferers, on the other hand, feel the other kind of burn, which isn’t fun at all. Whether you are on the treadmill or on your spinning class, you know that sooner or later, heartburn symptoms are going to kick in.

It may be a perfect excuse to stop exercising, but it shouldn’t be. Really. Exercise-induced heartburn, like your condition, can be managed and even prevented. Also like your heartburn, during- or post-exercise heartburn symptoms are triggered by certain foods you took before you put in your sweats. Exercise is too good a thing that you have to miss. Here are tips to keep you going:

Think of your diet. Heartburn is really, more often than not, primarily about your diet and eating habits. You need to be clear about it — from what you choose to eat to how you eat. Do indulge in a meal before hitting the treadmill? Do you eat quickly so you can do everything in an hour or so?

Cut out what would not help you. You can have the extra energy without overloading on that choco or java. Eat healthy. That is all that you really need before workout.

Eat what is good for you. People indulge in foods they love because they know that 20 minutes on the treadmill is all that they need to burn it off. Unfortunately, this doesn’t apply to people with heartburn. While heartburn triggers from one person to another, the basics apply in all situations. Greasy spoon take outs, fizzy beverages, and spicy dishes are out. The good news is that you have a lot of elbow room when it comes to what foods to eat before a power workout. Experiment. The result will surprise you.

For a pre-workout snack that tastes good, we love a cup of yogurt, banana, and a bowl of whole grain cereal.

Time your eating. Having a quick bite before you hit the treadmill will only going to trigger your heartburn symptoms. Eat at least two hours before working out. And eat light. Most heartburn sufferers are usually recommended to have a light snack an hour or two hours before they sweat it out. No matter how restrictive it seems, it is often comforting to know that there is no fast rule when it comes to pre-workout snacking.

Some needs two hours, others are good with half-hour. See what works for you. The thing is that you need to give your digestive system enough time to empty.

Know heartburn-friendly exercises. There are routines that can and will trigger heartburn. Avoid those. Working on your core on a full stomach is like inviting heartburn. But don’t skip core workouts — you need them. Crunches are vital in anyone’s fitness routine. Heartburn sufferers only need to make sure that they have eaten light and at least an hour before hitting the floor.

Anything that reverses the natural flow of digestion may have to go. Downward dog and headstands are two poses you can skip in yoga class. If you feel that your body will benefit more with these poses, ask your yoga instructor it can be modified to accommodate your condition.

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Beat Heartburn: Lifestyle Changes That Will Get Rid of Heartburn Symptoms Permanently

It is important that you watch what you eat and drink.

While this is one of, if not, the most important steps in managing heartburn, you know that you need to take it further if you really want to change your life. Heartburn can be an inconvenience to many people. And if you feel that your heartburn symptoms do get in the way of how you live your life, it is high time that you regain control of your life. There are ways you can make that can manage and control your heartburn symptoms — better than antacids can.

Watching portion sizes. Fatty meals stay longer in the stomach. And so does larger meals. By simply watching what goes in your plate, you are basically helping yourself by reducing the occurrence of heartburn. You may have a healthy serving of yogurt and fruits, by if you serve them in a large bowl your risk of having a post-dessert heartburn is as high as when you have had a deep fried Cajun chicken.

Moderation is always the key in better managing heartburn. Plus, watching portion sizes for heartburn sufferers is the only way they can have their favorite yet heartburn-inducing food. So if you think of portions in that way, it is win win solution after all.

Eating out, safely. Most of us don’t have the luxury of time to cook. If you are one of the million of urbanistas who often find themselves eating out more than they ever want to, you know that this by-product of working an 8-5 job is not exactly easy for many heartburn sufferers. In fact, finding a good, heartburn-friendly restaurant is a challenge to many.

The key to eating out and not having to regret it later is to really know heartburn-inducing dishes. Heartburn sufferers need not look for specially created restaurants that can cater for their needs. Unlike vegans, heartburn sufferers can enjoy both plant- and animal-based dishes, which makes the process of restaurant hunting so much easier.

The only challenge heartburn sufferers must learn to overcome in a lot of restaurants are, one, high-fat foods and, two, huge portions. We are known worldwide for offering unhealthy foods in unhealthy portions. And you know you can’t be a part of it. When dining out, ask for healthy prepared meals, such as boiled, grilled, and broiled. Choose low-fat options. If the portion can be overwhelming, ask that the half of the dish be brown bag even before it will be served. This will save you from the temptation of finishing it all.

Keeping a journal. Though high-fat and greasy menus are definitely worth taking out of your list of heartburn-safe dishes, it is important that you keep a journal that can tell you exactly what triggers your symptoms and what doesn’t. What triggers your symptoms can be different from what has induced your friend’s. So taking note can save you from a lot of guessing the next time your out picking dishes from a menu.

Make your journal comprehensive, especially if you are discovering what works for you and what doesn’t. Record the time your symptoms have occurred, take note of what your symptoms are, and even the activities you have engaged in before the symptoms kick in. Make the most of your log. It can help you much more than you can imagine.

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GERD Treatments: The Secret to Really Managing and Preventing GERD and Heartburn Symptoms

Posted by cobs 8 Jul, 2010 Still swigging gallons of milk and popping antacids by default? Chances are you are your heartburn is not getting any cooler. But the good news is that, no matter how worse your symptoms are, there is that one GERD treatment that can really put off that burn.


One of the very first things any heartburn sufferer will immediately reach is his bottle of antacids. But how effective can this method be? Not as much as we want it to. If you want a more lasting relief — one that can save you from the grueling discomfort even before it starts — here is a quick rundown of GERD treatments that you can discuss with your doctor.

H2 blockers. These items come as OTC and prescription meds. While H2 blockers, such as Pepcid and, of course, Zantac, used to be the standard treatment for heartburn and GERD, they are no longer prescribed as often now. Yes, they may be the very first meds a doctor will recommend for mild cases, but proton pump inhibitors are so much better in getting rid of painful heartburn and GERD symptoms.

H2 blockers are essentially less expensive than proton pump inhibitors, which makes it the perfec choice for those who are in a budget.

Proton pump inhibitors (PPI). If you have a bad case of GERD, chances are your doctor has prescribed you one of these. These meds, which include Nexium, Prilosec, and Prevacid, is really the new standard when it comes to treating GERD. PPIs are key to better managing heartburn and GERD: One, by blocking the production of acid in the stomach and, two, by protecting the esophagus and, therefore, allowing it to recover from damages caused by acid reflux.

PPIs are safe and effective and even used by millions of health experts in diagnosis. It is often difficult to distinguish GERD from heartburn. But one effective way to do it is to simply administer PPIs. If they work, a patient probably has GERD. If they don’t, the patient may have something else.

Prokinetics. Your doctor would have prescribed one of the prescription drugs, such as Urecholine and Reglan, if he thinks that speeding up the emptying of the stomach can help your condition. While prokinetics are often prescribed alongside other GERD treatments, more and more experts are starting to agree that they are rarely helpful.

While it may be tempting to permanently get rid of your heartburn or GERD using any of these treatments, it is important that you ask your doctor if you really need it. Do you really need to sign up with a GERD treatment? Most importantly, does your doctor think so?

There are many reasons to treat GERD and heartburn. And good ones at that. GERD and heartburn has proven to be time and again an inconvenience to many people. When left unattended, heartburn and GERD can be debilitating.

But how will you know if you need and even qualify to any of these available GERD treatments. It is not really about severity but more of frequency. If you have been popping antacids like the manufacturer’s closing down the production later and you are still having symptoms, you may want to check with your doctor and ask for a stronger, more effective med.

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